Thursday 27 July 2017

Twin Suns

Just completed framing the newest painting for the park (Stratford Art in the Park). The tentative title is Twin Suns,  it is
18"x24" oil on canvas. Please forgive the bad lighting. Can be seen in the flesh at Art in the Park.

Tuesday 25 July 2017

Paintings replicated as postcards, we'll see...

Hello, here are reprise photos of some new and sold paintings. This collection contains some favorites,
The oldest of these paintings, Genesis

The newest painting Infundibulum (detail)
The Blue Egg
Governing the Residual
'Genesis', 'Infundibulum', 'Blue Egg' and 'Veritas' will be in the park soon. See you at Art in the Park in Stratford, Ontario.

Wednesday 12 July 2017

Richard is currently showing new work at Stratford's Art in the Park. Dates are every Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday, from 10 to 5, weather permitting. You can find me close to Lakeside Dr. between North and Front Streets (eastern end of the park). There is a lot to see!

Some works in progress which will be in the park soon.