Nuit Blanche

Plastic and Steel,  Nuit Blanche 2013

The night of the fifth-sixth of October 2013 was warmer and dryer than expected making the all-night vigil at Spadina Museum more fun. Convergence was the theme adopted by the Art Science Collective of Canada. My part in the convergence story was an alimentary illustration of the 'You are what you eat' meme. The installation was a metaphor and illustration of the chemical and bio-chemical processes required to sustain our lives and reproduction. Steel, wood, plastic, silvered plastic, oil stick and wire were used in the project. Following are photos of some of the original sketches and photos of the installation.

Statement: The story of the Universe is incomplete, but the paintings presented here are a pictorial conjecture of the creation, development and end of humanity and the universe. Sixteen paintings are on a möbius strip, a single path or continuum implying a cycle. Its well suited to this project and theme. You move through the story by pulling the canvas through the frame, literally transforming the context through your own motion. The titles of the paintings are: M-theory Dimensions, Strings, Hydrogen, First Novas, Organizing Planets, Amino Acids, DNA-Bacteria, Crystals, Sex, Delusional Awareness, Concord, Discord, Sanctimony, When the Measure of Man is Lacking, Domus, Last Light. The framed painting, Creation, which begins the story is interpreted for this showing as the moment just before the Big Bang. Two Membranes of the Multiverse, of which we know nothing, are about to touch. And so, it begins.


Installation - Spadina Museum grounds

'Transformative Motion -A Möbius Paint-Strip of Macro-History'

The story of the Universe is incomplete, but the paintings I present here are a pictorial conjecture of the creation, development and end of humanity and the universe. A möbius strip is a single path, a continum, well suited to this theme.
These images are of the Cabinet installation at Spadina Gardens, 27-28 October 2012. The paintings were initially to be displayed as a Möbius strip - it did not work. The cabinet of curiosities was a fast way to redesign the installation - worked nicely. 

Here is the Make-Your-Own Moebius Strip, with a guide to all the paintings. (download the strip here) Cut & fold image columns back 2 back, make one twist and tape circle together to create a Möbius Strip

Approach from the south

View from the north

Frame 1
Frame 2
Frame 3

Frame 4

Frame 5

Frame 6
Frame 7
Frame 8

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